Sunday, 4 May 2008

Considering hot wax hair removal?

Hot Wax Hair Removal

We women like our bodies to be sleek and neat so unwanted body hair can be a problem. Unfortunately shaving is only a make-do, or temporary reprieve; what w really need is a longer term method. Hot wax hair removal is the method most used by the stars because of the wonderfully smooth and soft skin it leaves you with. It is because of this finish that it is becoming more and more popular.

It is a wonder with so many new unwanted hair removal systems available why the hot wax hair removal system has lasted so long. It is not a perfect system to remove unwanted hair but there are some great benefits. One reason for using wax removal is that it is less expensive compared too many of the newer systems available. Of course the biggest problem with shaving is cutting yourself and waiting forever for the nick to stop bleeding.

You can almost guarantee that if you cut yourself, it's right before you're going out. Still, a guy has to worry about the dreaded 5 O'clock shadow, not something that concerns you if you have wax removal. Your hair also grows back thinner each time you use a hot wax hair removal process. From that aspect I can't fault it, even when I do have to repeat the process again, there's less hair to remove.

With shaving, the more often I do it, the worse it returns. Some discomfort is the downside to the hot wax hair removal process but believe me it is nothing like many critics (usually manufacturers of other methods) portray it. You will understand exactly where I'm coming from if you compare it the Epilady system. No woman invented this because no-one in their right mind would inflict that sort of torture on themselves. I briefly used the Epilady (and by briefly I mean a second) and tossed the thing away, I wouldn't send it to my worst enemy.

I first tried the hot wax hair removal system after one of my college friend's who was born in India suggested I try it. I was so convinced I haven't used any of the other uncomfortable systems since. It's ironic really when you consider what a poor opinion many people have for wax removal systems. I don't believe it deserves this reputation for causing discomfort when all the other methods are considered.

Hot Wax Hair Removal

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