Sunday, 27 April 2008

Get Yourself A Tan

Get Yourself A Tan

Tanning booths are now a regular method to ensure people in ‘sun poor' countries can have that all over tan every day of the year. Technology has come to the rescue to an industry that is having problems, owing to the rise in cases of skin cancer, with some newer techniques that pose less danger. Many people are now turning to artificial methods as they are generally much safer, especially the popular spray tanning system. There are creams and lotions called bronzers that will give you an artificial tan as well, but the spray tan seems to give better results with less streaking.

Although the popularity is still to be proved, systems using the new spray tanning technology have been designed for home use. Whilst there are different ways to provide an alternative tan, the way to achieve it and make it longer lasting are the same. Exfoliation is the first step as this rids the body surface of the dead skin cells. What you don't want is for people to recognize your tan is a fake by noticing paler patches of skin where the dead skin cells have dropped from your body.

When that is done, it will be necessary to moisten the skin by applying a good moisturizer all over. One of the biggest mistakes people make at this stage when applying a bronzer from a bottle or cream application is to forget to wear gloves, this leaves them with orange palms which is hard to disguise. It is also important to remember fingers, joints and feet do not need to be coated as heavily as they will become very dark and once again give the game away. Even spray tanning can cause the odd problem if there is an excess and it starts to run so take a towel you no longer want with you to wipe it off.

Always stay as still as possible after artificial tanning to allow time for the application to settle down and create an even coating. The problem you will have afterwards during this drying time is what to wear because if you wear something expensive that you like, it will probably become stained and won't come off. Dark clothing is obviously the best choice as even if it does stain, it won't notice so readily and you won't have to throw the clothing out. Applying an artificial tan successfully means there are a few rules to follow which should ensure it looks as genuine as possible.

Get Yourself A Tan

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

7 Essential Beauty Tips


Beauty is defined as the phenomenon of the experience
of pleasure, through the perception of balance and
proportion of stimulus. It involves the cognition of a
balanced form and structure that elicits attraction and
appeal towards a host, creature, inanimate object,
scene, music, idea, etc. It's as well seen as An assemblage
or even graces or even properties pleasing to the eye, the ear, the
intellect, the aesthetic faculty, or even the moral feel.

Beauty is the quality that gives pleasure to the mind or even
senses and is associated with such properties as
harmony of form or even color, excellence of artistry,
truthfulness, and originality.

A common understanding of the word beauty suggests
that it's the appearance of things and people. For
illustration, we call miss globe or even miss universe the virtually
beautiful female on earth. Also a fully blossomed
rose is as well called a beauty. Beauty can't be measured,
not can it be counted. It's purely subjective in nature,
and its comprehension changes based on data from perception
set of individuals.

Beauty has always been revered from the time individual
kind had developed basic senses. We've heard of
umpteen number of stories in history when wars utilized to
be inflicted upon for the desire of beautiful females. Beauty
is all pervasive in nature and rises above any
discrimination of race, caste, religion, etc.

Many theorists and scientists have tried to deconstruct
beauty into even more understandable parts. 1 idea is to
look at it from the point of see of how much symmetry is
discovered in the object. A few of the main contributions in this
regards are - The inborn inclination of people to be
attracted to symmetry coupled with the natural want or even
pursuit of happiness leads to the premise that symmetry
is indeed the symbol of beauty.

Mortal beings are so engrossed with beauty that it's
taken a awesome shape in economy in the form of beauty
industry. There are many enterprises and organizations
taking part in selling beauty products. These range from
your next door beauty salon to a multi-billion premium
branded marketing organization spread across 150
countries in the globe.

Beauty care is a outstanding act time and pastime for mortal
beings, especially women. Beauty is perceived to offer
attractiveness and confidence. Beauty care includes hair
care, face care, skin care, nail care, proper diet,
vitamins, etc.

There are many therapies dedicated to the cause of
beauty care. Even more crucial among it is
aromatherapy, cosmetology, laser coarse of action, hair
coloring, slimming techniques, etc.

Many authors have written on beauty. A select few of the wonderful
quotes are "a thing of beauty is a joy forever" by John
Keats. "True beauty lives in deep retreats, Whose veil
is unremoved, Till heart with heart in concord beats, And
the lover is beloved" by Wordsworth. And "We all know
that a thing of beauty is a joy forever and that beauty lies
in the eye of the beholder. Is not it interesting how the
perception of beauty" by Anon.

Helen Keller sums it all "The virtually all beautiful things in the
globe aren't seen nor touched. It is felt with the heart

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Skin to be proud of

There are ways that almost anyone can have beautiful skin they can be proud of; skin care does not come easily to everyone but some basic techniques carried out regularly, should make a big difference. Unfortunately many women still feel that the only way they will achieve that beauty is by using invasive techniques like liposuction and plastic surgery for instance. Beauty care products however, are formulated to work more naturally with the skin and are within almost everyone's budget with other health advantages as part of the package.

The problem has always been our image of beauty care products like cold cream and the anti-aging formulations. Today's products are able to do much more after the research that has been carried out and are an important addition to your personal care regime. We often forget that our skin is an organ that needs looking after as it has a difficult job to and needs regular help.

Before any other type of skin care is carried out, it is necessary to clean the skin first; this will ensure that any toxins, environmental pollution and bacteria are removed. This is done by a gentle massage routine using the cleanser on a cotton pad, finally rinsed off with warm water.

To ensure your PH balance is not disrupted, you will need to use a tone after the cleanser has been applied. Make sure that you take time to add a little lotion and massage to your routine as moisturizers make your skin look and feel soft and supple and can minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Beauty care products that moisturize the skin also form a barrier to lock in the moisture so the skin does not dry out.

Every week, at least once but preferably twice, it is recommended you get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliation or a natural peel, which is becoming a more popular skin care routine. You must not forget however, that when you carry out this exfoliation you make sure that you continue with a complete cleanse and tone afterwards.

If you suffer with lines, wrinkles or puffiness around your eyes then a good beauty care product suggestion is the use of eye creams which will improve the delicate skin in this region. Along with these simple steps above ensure you drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and eat a nutrient rich diet, all of which will help keep your skin looking youthful, radiant and beautiful. The health of your skin should not be underestimated, not just for vanity reasons but for our overall health as it is a barrier against the elements, pollution and disease.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Prevent skin aging

Vanity plays a large part in the use of popular anti-ageing skin care products and treatments; when most of us can expect to live longer and have fuller, more active lives, this is hardly surprising. This group of beauty products generally works by enabling the synthesis of collagen, the main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant in our body; collagen is so abundant, it makes up about a quarter of the total protein content of structural protein found in skin. This category of skin products is in fact related to another group of everyday products that help reduce the signs of aging; we call them antioxidants, they aid the repair of cell damage associated with cell damage.

Vitamin C is probably one of the better known anti-oxidants in use today but the debate about the daily quota required is ongoing. The problem with vitamin C derived skin care treatments is they can become oxidized when exposed to the atmosphere, often even before they are used.

To overcome this problem, manufacturers use alternative skin care treatments that still provide the same benefits but not the high manufacturing costs. These new anti-oxidant products are not quite as good as vitamin C although other naturally occurring compounds, vitamin E and lipoic acid can achieve the same effect.

Found in human blood, vitamin E is not only an antioxidant but is designed to boost the immune system's resistance to illness; it has many functions including inhibiting the formation of cancer cells. Lipoic acid is also an energy making component of the body, found in every cell; an additional function is to repair skin damage caused by the normal aging process.

Another group of products used to reduce the visible signs of ageing are phytochemicals which are compounds extracted from various plants and used in many anti-ageing skin care products. A further benefit of these phytochemicals is their ability to prevent the onset of certain cancers; for instance:

  • Cancer of the Prostate
  • Cancer that attacks the Breast
  • Cancer that attacks the Colon

These are some of the most common (and increasingly so) cancers in the world today.

For some time now it has also been known that the vitamins B5, B6 and B12 also have anti-ageing skin care properties. The use of anti-ageing skin care products is a huge scientific field to research and has far greater potential than just producing goods that reduce the visible signs of age. Whilst a great deal has been learned about this subject, it is only the tip of the iceberg; there is still a long way to go however, before methods that successfully reduce the effects of age are commonplace.

Hopefully, these challenges will get resolved in due course and better and cheaper anti-ageing skin care products will be produced. Scientific research into anti-aging products is still in the early stages but they should never be relied upon; we must not forget however, that there are many more natural methods we can all use to reduce the signs of aging on a regular basis. Natural methods are known, but few people actually follow them; what proportion of the population actually eats healthily, takes plenty of exercise, drink sufficient water and obtain restful and regular sleep?